Angels There for You™
Home and Health Care Services

Your goal is for you and your family to live healthily and balanced each day. You are not alone.
We are here to provide support to seniors and peace of mind to you and families like yours.
So that you can remain living at home comfortably with aging, that you and your family can spend quality time together and that you can enjoy and refocus on sharing precious moments with your loved one.
What makes Angels’ different? It’s in our hearts.
Our care vision is to help seniors to age in health and wholeness. Our holistic approach to home care is provided by our team of caregivers who are passionate about what they do.
Angels prides itself on its record of caring for thousands of seniors and people for the past 24 years. Thousands of seniors have experienced the holistic care we share and teach. Reach out to our team today so you can start experiencing our care.

In addition, our nurses are trained to assist you or your loved ones in Ostomy care, catheter care as well as wound care assessment after surgery. These services can be provided within the home or hospital.
All Angels There For You™ nurses are currently licensed by the British Columbia College of Nursing Professionals (BCCNM), and are continually updated with current nursing care practice guidelines.

- Going to be admitted to hospital
- Recently discharged from hospital
- Suffering from chronic medical conditions (such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or Depression)
- Physically Incapacitated (such as someone who is a Paraplegic/Quadraplegic or has Cerebral Palsy) and more

Meal Planning: planning a nutritious meal with the involvement of the client
Grocery Shopping: picking up fresh vegetables and meat every week.
Cooking the Meals: preparing meals that are appetising and colourful with a delicious aroma.
Serving the Meals: making the meal a real dining experience.

- B.L.D.
服務對象: 有需耍幫助烹調三餐膳食、個人護理、提醒服藥的耆英和人仕
服務時間: 為早上兩小時及晚上一小時〔合共三小時服務〕 - B.M.P.
服務對象: 有需耍幫助烹調早膳, 早起個人梳洗護理、提醒服藥的耆英和人仕 - B.L.C.
服務對象: 有需耍幫助烹調早午膳及簡單家居清潔的耆英和人仕 - B.M.D.
服務對象: 有需耍幫助烹調晚膳、睡前梳洗及提醒服藥的耆英和人仕 - 每日精選推介
這個服務會由註冊或執照護士提供或監管下提供,如傷口護理、造口護理及善終護理。 - 24小時護理服務
本公司會提供24小時全天侯無憂無慮的護理服務如餐膳烹調和預備、提醒服藥、伴遊、家居清潔、個人護理服務。 - 夜間通宵服務
服務時間: 為早上兩小時 (任何時段)
服務時間: 為早上三小時 (任何時段)